Labaikallah humma labaika
By: liza/3/10/07
Labaikallah humma labaika
Labaikallah syarika laka labaika
Innalhamda wani’mata la
ka Wamulkalla, syarikala
Yaa Allah I come to you , for your called, praise to you Allah
I come to you with my dark heart and mind
In front of you I’m just like dust
Clean my mind, my heart ya Allah with your love
In silent heart of soul I feel You
Forgive me Yaa Allah for love you not perfectly
I’m not the good one as your humble
If I can turn the time back to the pass
I prefer die when was still a baby
So I never made sin in all my entire moment
Come near me Allah hold my hand and bring me to Your guidance
Manage my heart and mind like you manage sky and earth
Labaikallah humma labaika
Labaikallah syarika laka labaika
Innalhamda wani’mata la
ka Wamulkalla, syarikala
Love Allah
By:liza /3/10/07
Life in this world just short
Like rain fall in the desert , just disappeared in a second
Everything we have done will return back
How lucky if we just think of God in every breath
How lucky if just know Allah
But sometime we forget when desires fire the lonely heart
How lucky if we just praise of God in every second of life
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
How lucky if we just hope love of Allah
So no one can hurt this heart anymore
Ya Allah ya Allah Ya Allah
My Hope just in Your Hand
Give me time to make You proud of me
Give me time to approve you as your khalifah
Life to be praises in everyway
By : Liza/3/10/07
I walked alone in the field
felt the rain touch my hair
I run from the thunder and the dark of the cloud
I saw a little broken wood house near me
I sit in this veranda
In a second little pretty girl opened the door
She was so cute in her modest clothes
She lived with her blind grandmother
Smiled with me and holds my hand
Without talked she brought me inside
She served me with water
I saw they just ate with boil corn
No vegetable, no fruit, no rice, no fish
But they were still smile and happy
We ate together our lunch
How lucky they are
inside this poor house they were still happy
Life has to be praises in every way
Thanks God in every way
I cant say sweet word if dont know how to aprove
I cant say love word if i dont mean to love
I cant say promise if i cant do
I cant say care if i dont feel
I cant say anything if u not trust
Dont say love if u just flater
Dont say care if u not care
Dont say sweet word if you just play
If i can say some word for u , only 3 word
If i say love thats mean i love you deeply in my heart and i want u trust me